Hitting 100K downloads…….
If I could describe 2020 in one word, I would say it was UNPREDICTABLE! Not only because of all the events that occurred but there was so much that happened for us, the Girl Get Visible podcast family. This episode is a reflection of this years’ wins and lessons, including pointing out our TOP episodes that killed it with downloads (and why they did!).
We used SEO (of course!) to communicate our content and talked about topics that had real time relevance in 2020. But most importantly, we could not have done this without you, our GGV podcast listeners and our amazing guests!
- Are you an avid GGV podcast listener?
- Are you interested in knowing what episodes did really well?
- Do you want to see which episodes resonated the most with other listeners’ businesses?
- Do you have questions on if having a guest on your show is REALLY worth it?
Then this is a great episode for you to check out!
Our TOP 10 episodes of 2020:
#10 Episode 66 : Getting visible through podcast and community with Danielle Desir
#9 Episode 1 : Three things to consider before starting an online boutique
#8 Episode 58 : How SEO can help against business burnout
#7 Episode 57: Boosting business growth with content first
#6 Episode 56 : The Other Syndrome
#5 Episode 72: Growing engaging groups with Sandra De Freitas
#4 Episode 53: Serve, Sell and SEO better in a crowded market
#3 Episode 55: SEO Beginners Guide
#2 Episode 54: Focus pays- Why I didn’t do the social challenge
#1 Episode 69: Getting visible in a crowded market with LaShayla Simpson