The Worst Podcast Pitches I’ve Ever Received : Girl Get Visible

The Worst Podcast Pitches I’ve Ever Received

“A pitch isn’t good until it gets accepted” – Akilah

Have you ever had someone address you by the wrong name? I have while receiving a podcast pitch and immediately, I lost my desire in reading the remainder of the email. Mistakes happen, but that’s not really a great first impression if you want to be a guest on my podcast show and in front of my audience.

If you’re not familiar with what a podcast pitch is, I am here to help. It is where you send an email to a fellow podcaster letting them know why they should consider you as a guest on their show! It’s an exciting and amazing experience to grow and build your network in the podcast world. I mentioned in Episode 77 Number 1 Backlink Strategy of 2021, how important being a guest on a podcast can be for your SEO and your online visibility. And this still rings true for link building in 2022. Podcast pitches are the first step in this important strategy to increase your visibility because being in front of another audience can increase traffic to your site and your business.

Okay, so we know podcast pitches are important, but what happens when your pitch is just not great. I have seen people throw themselves under the pitch bus, either on their own or by pitch companies they pay for. This is not the kind of visibility we need.

I’ve provided 10 common mistakes people make when sending a podcast pitch. I’ve had the unpleasant experience of them all, and we really need to talk about it, guys.

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • Reasons why your pitches are getting ignored.
  • What things to avoid when sending podcast pitches?
  • How to make your podcast pitches better?
  • How to make the person you are pitching see value in your proposal?
  • Podcast pitch examples of the does and don’ts of podcast pitching

Remember, a pitch is not good until it is accepted. So if you see yourself in any of these examples, it’s time to make some changes.

Watch this episode


  • If you would love some support with making better podcast pitches, check out SEO ASSIST at and use the code: POD to get a little gift. SEO assist is good for providing a flow to assist you in writing a pitch letter, manages a pitch follow up letter and provides a podcast directory where you can connect with people looking for guests.