Let’s Get Visible.
Recently, I have been looking on Facebook and conducting reviews of my client’s work and we have hit a wall in our SEO journey. Content creators and business owners are struggling with the concept of doing all the things necessary to get visible, but not seeing the results they desire.
It can be frustrating to provide consistent, blog posts, podcast episodes, products, and courses for your audience, with little to no traction to your site. You’re probably also using common SEO tools to get a sense of how your site is doing and still no luck.
I am here to tell you that the lack of results may not be due to the steps you are taking or the tools you are using, but instead, the things that we are writing. Certain tools that help with SEO are great, but they aren’t everything. SEO tools focuses on analyzing information you’ve provided, instead of analyzing what you may be missing. And the next appropriate step in finding out what you are missing, could be to hire an SEO strategist and we are always here to help increase your traction and visibility.
But what if I told you that before the tools and before the professional SEO strategist, there is a free and easy option to get started without any delay. Let’s talk about Google and how it provides clues and signals on what you should include in your content and site.
In this episode you will learn:
- What may be delaying your success in traction to your site?
- What are 4 ways you can learn to write better for Google visibility?
- Why context is important when considering search engines, such as Google?
- How taking the time to research and reduce the time it takes to write your blog post?
I look forward to seeing you in search!
- One SEO tool, that I know can assist you with knowing what to write for better visibility is the, Seo Assist app. If you want to learn more visit: https://seoassist.com/
- As mentioned in this episode, I want to bring back Episode 69 How to Get Visible in a Crowded Market, with guest speaker LaShayla Simpson, owner of Elle’s Dreams Events
- Order your copy of the My SEO Workbook today, your ultimate guide to visibility in search engines.