Leveraging AI in Your Business: Lessons from Tech Industry Leaders at Propelify Innovation Festival 2023 : Girl Get Visible

Leveraging AI in Your Business: Lessons from Tech Industry Leaders at Propelify Innovation Festival 2023

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SEO Assist and Girl Get. Visible Founder Akilah Thompkins-Robinson at Propelify Innovation Festival 2023 Hoboken NJ Tech Business Events

Are you still researching ways to use AI in your thought leadership business and to help your clients? Maybe spinning about all of the ways to innovate with this new technology?

Last Week I attended the Propelify Innovation Festival an annual tech conference hosted by Tech United here in NJ. This year’s festival was all around AI and how it has been and can be used to grow your business, workplace, and customer experience. It was an amazing event for networking and learning, and I wanted to share a few hot takes from the event with you guys to get your wheels turning as you start (or finish) planning the direction of your business for 2024 and beyond.

AI is changing the ways businesses work and raising customers expectations of the amount of information and

Even here in the SEO space, no longer will it just be about one singular thing of doing or having SEO it is really more about your overall online presence, how your presence intersects with your audience’s personalized needs, and how you can deliver an experience to further meet those needs.

The Propelift Festival was all about making these innovative shifts and so much more.

Here are a few of my takeaways from the Propelify speakers

From Legally Speaking talk with Barclay Blair: Microsoft has announced that if you get sued for using their AI, CoPilot, they will defend you in court. They are that confident that they are not infringing on anyone’s copyrights 🤯that’s huge.

I found a quick article from Microsoft early last month to back this up https://blogs.microsoft.com/on-the-issues/2023/09/07/copilot-copyright-commitment-ai-legal-concerns/

Scott Belsky the Chief Strategy officer from Adobe, shared the 5 phases he sees with the Impact of AI in Creative spaces one of the big ones was the new wave is Creative tools making it easier for everyone to be able to create more, creative professionals the next wave is being able to create faster, more efficient, and explore more. He also noted the growth of more personalized experiences and options, will be key. No more treating people like random people. Here are 2 examples he mentioned:

  • 1) E-commerce sites instead of telling it your gender and size would know and give you suggestions and reminders based on that. I think this would look something  like messages and content that say “Hey Akilah your son’s school starts next week here are things your son will need more of” (this more of would be based on what I previously brought, how quickly it’s usually used up, and list of information about supplies for the grade and topics he’s studying

  • 2) at a job when you learn a new tool instead of everyone starting from point A it would know based on your input other places that you need more or less education on the software and what areas you need more than others

Another Speaker, Debika Bhattacharya, Chief Product Officer, Verizon Business shared this great graphic of the ways corporations are using or looking to use AI:

Akilah Thompkins Robinson at Propelify 2023 AI Uses Cases Example

As you know at SEO Assist we are already offering 3 of these use cases (generated blog content, SEO Q&A Chat features, and personalized text based on your audience and expertise), and we are expanding our features in the next year to include more of these uses cases to help our business, agency, and enterprise clients maximize the advantages of incorporating AI.

Tahira White at the Propelify Innovation festival 2023 talking about using AI in your Agency Workflow

The last hot take was from Tahira White Wercflow, she shared how her agency revolutionized the way they work with other service providers in the Film Industry using her tool that helps Streamline the Production Management process and people. She noted “Ai won’t just take away jobs it may mean more up tooling and up-skilling, but ultimately going to enable a better quality of life for those who are infusing the message, stories, personality into content”

They had other great talks on other topics like AI innovations in the remote workspace, AI Compliance, Testing, QA tools and so much more.

Overall Propelify was an amazing event I found a lot of great information from the speakers, vendors, and attendees I had the pleasure of meeting.

My overall takeaway from the events is the way businesses operate and what customers expect is going to change drastically now that people have more access online and AI to help filter through it all.

I definitely recommend attending next year (I’ll be there), if you don’t want to wait until next year check out Tech United they have great events and meet-ups all year long. And you kind find other events I’ll be at this year on my Events Page.
