Guided Teaching
As we continue to follow the guidelines on social distancing throughout the world, as entrepreneurs, it is important we start thinking outside the box for ways to sustain our businesses. In this podcast episode, we will talk about guided teaching and how virtual services can increase profit and sustainability in the long run.
Let’s dive into why this is something that is important to discuss. Every day, online, people have spoken about not being able to get their hair done or cut, or even having a hard time maintaining their nails. Whether we believe this is important or not compared to the pandemic, it is a real struggle that people are feeling. As a business owner, you have the opportunity to provide a solution. This episode will provide information on guided learning/teaching, ways to implement these solutions and how it will lead to increased visibility.
If you are a hairstylist, a teacher, a fitness pro, within the restaurant/cooking industry, within the arts, and/or host kids birthday parties, this information can be especially great for what you do! In this episode, you will learn:
(1) The definition of guided teaching
(2) How to implement guided teaching
(3) How virtual services can help your business and
(4) How guided learning can increase your visibility.
By using guided teaching through a virtual platform, your clients are brought through the task at hand, while receiving real time feedback. And who doesn’t what to stand out with this kind of service? This episode touches on tips you can use to make sure no one forgets your business in this time and spread the information to others!