I know you’ve been told grow your business on social, social is where it’s at and all the others things, BUT in the last 6 months major platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and some others have had some kind of major glitch. In light of Facebook going down and all of the social media outages, we had to talk about this.
We are beginning to look at a social a little different because it’s being inconsistent, LOL (Shout out Cardi B)
Either way, it’s time to toss out what we’ve been told and look at what businesses have been doing for years and we need to do it too.
And spoiler alert it’s not email.
In this episode, I break down 9 strategies you should be using in your business that do not involve an ounce of social media.
I break down what I did before social was big, the strategy that got 1 company I worked with a $22 million dollar contract, and the things I know without a doubt all of the big names we follow are doing to keep their businesses sustainable on and offline
My biggest tip from the episode, “Don’t wait for Social Media to die to start doing these”