In this episode, I talk about the top 2 questions I get when I talk about SEO
-When do I start doing SEO?
-What businesses or industries does SEO work for?
Answering the questions, I went through a few examples of how different niches can and should be using Search Engine Optimization. I give real SEO examples for the top niches out there: coaches, online boutique owner, services business, event local niches like hairdressers and contractors. I also talk about how my MLM companies who may use the company sites can also use SEO to find customers that are best for them.
The 2nd half of the episodes I go into DETAIL on when you should get started with SEO. How SEO will work for your site at different stages of business, whether you’ve just got started in business and your site is 3 weeks old like one of our examples, a Paparazzi site like another example, or even in business for a few years. And how Google is always looking at your site even if you aren’t focused on SEO and what you should do to make sure they see you are the best information.
We have an honest chat about using SEO to drive the right traffic, and how SEO helps me grow my email list. I also tell you how I really feel when people say “I’m going to work on my SEO after…”.
This is one of those dig real talk episodes about SEO that will have you nodding your head in agreement and taking notes.