In this episode we celebrate the 100th Episode with an in-depth interview with Girl Get Visible and SEOAssist.com Founder Akilah Thompkins-Robinson.
You’ve heard of the popular show “Inside the Actor’s Studio” today we are Inside the GGV studio and Guest-host Kishshana Palmer of kishshanaco.com goes deep with Akilah THompkins-Robinson to learn about her journey to GGV and creating her Saas company, what mistakes and pitfalls she had to overcome during her business and podcast journey, what motivated her to continue with the show and remain consistent. And the future of GGV SEO Assist and all that Akilah has to offer.
She also stumps Akilah with one of the hardest questions many entrepreneurs struggle to answer.
Sit down get your popcorn and enjoy getting into the GGV Studio with Kishshana and Akilah.